
Jane is an American Bulldog, female, neutered and approximately seven years old.

She is a gentle giant with all humans and accepts dogs happily walking next to her on lead. She is playful and loves to chase a ball.

Jane is a very big dog, and although she accepts dogs readily on lead, I feel she is best homed as an only dog. She is undemanding on the exercise front, one reasonable walk a day or two shorter ones and she cannot live with cats. She seems quite content around children but as we are unsure of her background, we are seeking a home with adults or older children.

It seems likely that Jane has never lived in a house, and although she is clean in her kennel she has an extremely mischievous and curious side to her nature, and is very good at breaking into cupboards when left to her own devices. She might be best homed in a comfortable kennel or with an owner who will tolerate an initial bit of breaking and entering!

Jane will make an excellent companion dog, needing little in the way of exercise but be rewarding company.

Dog ownership skills essential as Jane is a big strong girl.

Devon Dog Rescue, rehoming dogs, devon, dog behaviour, Devon Dog Behaviour, Dog Rescue, dog rescue centre in Devon, dog adoption, rehabiliitation, rehome, rehoming, rescue dogs, dogs looking for a home